Friday, May 15, 2009

response to virgin blogger

I agree with a lot of your points on how our government's spending habits are irresponsible and down right scary to be honest. Luckily many economists believe that our recession will end by the middle of 2010. Some of the spending is probably doing extremely good things for our country like pulling us out of a recession. Although the recession ending might be in large part to Federal Chairman Ben Bernanke instead of the massive amounts of money our government has been spending. The fact of the matter is that our country is spending out of our means and until our population as a whole adopts a new mentality and ideology we are in trouble. We as the voters are responsible because we are the people that put the government officials in office. We need to be the reason politicians are scared to sign off on a three trillion dollar spending spree for the country. We need to treat our government officials like they are our children and that they better get permission from their voters before they do anything to get grounded for. The spending needs to be regulated more than it currently is and we all need to do our part to help.

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