Friday, March 27, 2009

Stage 4

On the blog site called the Daily Kos there was a post by Devilstower on March 27th, 2009 that was aimed at the news media in this country. The title of Devilstower’s post was “An Open Letter to the News Media.” The author went on to address the fact that Republican officials have been stating outrageous fallacies on American news media shows. Republican officials have made such claims as “the New Deal prolonged the Great Depression” without any comment from the news hosts. The author, Devilstower, expresses his frustrations about the news media and how they constantly let the Republican officials make these comments and don’t challenge the credibility of their statements. I completely agree with Devilstower’s argument and I am also frustrated by the lack of accountability that news reporters display by not stopping politicians when they say outlandish things. The media has an obligation to the American public to get accurate information across. When hosts of news shows don’t combat false statements by politicians they aren’t fulfilling their duty to the public. The author of the post, although I agree with their argument, doesn’t provide enough information to where I can proclaim them as a credible source. The author doesn’t list an example of a Republican official saying anything untruthful and although I have heard some crazy quotes from Republicans in the past I haven’t heard them say the quotes that he has in his post. Although the author of the post doesn’t have immaculate credibility I agree with their argument and I think that the news media does need to fulfill their duty as new reporters and not politician puppets.

1 comment:

  1. Again, insightful and thought provoking. I agree with your sentiments and perspectives. Keep up the good work. Also, great links. I like your blog, clean, well thought out, very nice!
